domenica 6 novembre 2011

When she talks I hear the revolution

Ci sono dei libri che parlano di te, a volte sembrano conoscerti meglio di te stessa e ti aiutano a capire molti aspetti di te, ti aiutano, ti fanno sentire un pò meno sola...questo libro è uno di questi ("Memorie di una ragazza perbene" di Simone de Beauvoir è un'altro).

"Punk" here meant no mohawks and spikes but DIY: creating something from nothing, fashion from garbage, music and art from whatever was nearest at hand. DIY was a philosophy and a way of life, a touchstone that set its industrious adherent apart from the legions of Americans who passed their lives - as the punks saw it - trudging from TV set to first-run multiplex, from chain record store to commercial radio dial, treating art and culture as commodities to be consumed instead of vital forces to be struggled with and shaped, experimented with and created, breathed and lived.

("Girls to the front", Sara Marcus)


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